Saturday, March 8, 2008



We went to see this dam in Derbyshire at the Upper Derwent's a really nice place..besides the dam there are lots of trails and even in this cold weather there were alot of hikers and there were people picnicing!! really! lol..only the English!

During World War II the allies wanted to destroy German dams which in turn flooded the factories in the valley below.....what they were trying to do was have the planes fly low and release a bomb that would not just sink where it landed...they wanted the bomb to bounce on the water to the dam wall then sink and a depth charge would detonate the bomb at the base of the dam for maxium Derwent Water Dam is where they practiced...

There is a 1954 British war film called Dam Busters which I read is pretty much historically acurate except the fine details of the bombs and bombers cuz it was still classified info at the time..In the movie scene where the German Ruhr Dam was busted, that was filmed at the Derwent Dam..

Peter Jackson who did Lord of the Rings and King Kong is producing a remake of Dam Busters next year..Peter Jackson wanted to do the film before but Mel Gibson own the rights to it up until' look out for it!

And, oh, I just had to say this, was a fine dam day..groan

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