Saturday, March 8, 2008

Starters at a Moroccan Restaurant

Starters at a Moroccan Restaurant

Here in the UK when you go out for an evening meal everyone takes their time..not like us in L.A. where we just about get our main meal with the appetizer then get the they take their time, your'e supposed to drink, warm up, have something little to eat, drink more, chat, get my your'e in there for a couple of hours..which is really nice when you go out with friends..

On menus here instead of the word appetizer they use

One day in Bristol with Gary M and my brother Ian and his wife Claire we went into a Moroccan Restaurant and had ordered starters and a main meal..It was a very nice restaurant with authentic Moroccan decor and loud Moroccan music..very lively..

Cuz I was impatient to get my appetizer and cuz I was SO hungry I motioned the waiter over to my table and the conversation went something like this:

Me: Can I have my appetizer soon, please.

Waiter: Huh? what is it?

Me: I would like to have my appetizer.

Waiter: what?

****keep in mind the music was so loud we were almost shouting****

Me: I'm hungry, I want my appetizer now!

Waiter: Potatoes? You didn't order potatoes!

I forgot the waiters name but he was really very nice and the food was good..I forgot the name of the place but it looks like the only Moroccan Restaurant in Bristol and it was very very busy...The chef had come out to yell at a customer who was yelling at the waiter..all in all it was a fun night..

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