Friday, March 7, 2008

English 101

English Vocab 101
1. sod: Lucky sod...or..sod them, i don't care..or sod off go away...sod's law, like our Murphy's Law
2. muck: potter or fool about. muck about. stopping mucking around.
3. row /rau/sounds like cow..1. a loud noise or commotion. 2. a fierce quarrel.
4. knacker. slang. exhaust, wear out. I'm knackered.
5. cheers.: colloq Brit. a. expressing good wishing before drinking or Brit. before parting. b. expressing gratitude.
6. rubbish.: bullshit
7. brilliant. : ok, the Brits say brilliant to everything.....u say something, they say 'brilliant'
8. loo. /lu:/ n. john, can, cat box, get it?
9. bollocks: baloney; bull sh*t
10. prat: idiot

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