Saturday, March 8, 2008

Vintage Car Rally

There's this vintage car run that the Brits do every November...The vintage cars meet up in Hyde Park in London and drive down to Brighton which is down at the beach..about 60 miles..
They started doing this run in 1896 to commemorate the passing of a law called the 'Locomotive Highway Act'...this act abolished the law (called Red Flag Act) that a car driver had to have a person walk 20 paces in front of the car with a red flag to warn people of a car coming...funny, huh? and these cars were like only one cylinder..max 3 horse power..the speed limit in some place was 4 miles an were lucky if your car went 10 mph! Boy, have cars advanced!
We drove to a town called Redhill a few miles south of London to watch the vintage cars pass by...we stood on the pavement at the top of the first hill the cars comes across and alot of the cars needed pushing..the drivers and passengers were dressed in period clothes; and
Above are some pics I took..

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